Vital Rangashamanna, MD


Vital Rangashamanna, MD

Vital Rangashamanna, MD

Vital Rangashamanna, MD

Body Radiology
Phone: 407-200-2355
Vital Rangashamanna, MD

Education & Training

Dr. Rangashamanna earned his medical degree from Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences and Gulbarga University, India. Following his graduation from medical school, Dr. Vijayanagar completed his residency training in diagnostic radiology at S.C.B Medical College and Hospital, Cuttack, Utkal University, Orissa, India. He then completed subsequential fellowships in Cross Sectional Imaging at St. Joseph’s Hospital, McMaster University Hamilton, Canada, an abdominal imaging fellowship at the University of Toronto, Canada, a musculoskeletal imaging fellowship at St. Joseph’s and Juravinski Hospitals in Hamilton, Canada, followed by another year of musculoskeletal imaging fellowship at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia. Dr. Rangashamanna now serves as a board-certified Radiologist at AdventHealth Medical Group Radiology, Central Florida.

Medical School

Vijayanager Institute of Medical Sciences, Gulbarga University, India


S.C.B Medical College and Hospital, Cuttack, Utkal University, Orissa, India


St. Joseph’s and Juravinski Hospitals, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada

University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA